The Scope and Structure of ICT and Digital Competencies in the New Ukrainian School




competence, information and communication competence, New Ukrainian school, digital competence, digital citizenship, skills


The present article explores ICT competence which is among ten key competences which the New Ukrainian School defines as learning outcomes. According to the Conception of the New Ukrainian School, the task of each school subject is the development of these competences. Hence, it is of primary importance that foreign language teachers, English teachers in particular, be aware of the scope and structure of each competence as well as of the specific features of its development through teaching and learning English. The present article aims at outlining the scope and structure of ICT and digital competences in the New Ukrainian School. The present study employs descriptive-analytical review of the regulations in the field of foreign language education. More specifically, the research is based on the data of the analysis of the Conception of the New Ukrainian School, the National Standard for Basic Secondary Education, and Model educational programs for foreign languages. A strong emphasis is placed on the contribution English as a school subject makes to the development of ICT and digital competences. The conclusion is drawn that the scope of ICT and digital competences implies learners’ competences that go beyond the use of ICT. Being one of the key competences of the New Ukrainian School, ICT and digital competences are viewed as a complex construct that embraces the ICT use, information and media competence; basic computational competences and fundamentals of digital citizenship. The article presents the learners’ ICT competence model that describes the structure of the learners’ ICT competence which includes technological skills, information skills, information value and ethics awareness and motivation. Hence, the ICT competence is reviewed as a body of knowledge, skills and attitudes that learners need in order to handle information effectively to learn throughout life and grow personally.


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