Linguistic expression of culture: communicative tolerance




tolerance, communication, project-based learning, culture, language, mentality


The article is opening to us the tolerance role and content in the process of communication within the technology of the project-based teaching. It's asserted, that the social modus of human existence makes possible its to conflict with an environment, therefore the tolerance is a necessary condition and guarantee for a productive communication of interlocutors. It is pointed on a thinking of various nations representatives about cultural and mental difference, considering of which stipulate a mutual understanding of English-speaking American and Slavic peoples. It is a given idea that the cultural difference, as well as other ways of reality comprehending, are insurmountable obstacles to understanding multilingual communicators. The task about forming communicative tolerance lies in combining a language learning with the realizing of background knowledge - know of social values, cultural and religious imperatives of communicators- a foreign language speakers. For a professional competence (like the competence of a specialist in aviation) it also means a mastering of the subculture of a certain socium slice and mastering, excluding The Oxford English, of special thesaurus needed for solidarity activities within the project-based learning technology. It's noted that knowledge in the culturology, knowledge in the comparative lexicology and country study are no less important than learning a foreign language. It is given the list of features that a tolerant person should have is given. Tolerance is based on the ability to self-reflect, in which "I" becomes both a subject and an object for analysis. It is emphasized that the universality of communicative tolerance is a necessary condition for the productivity of any professional competence and teamwork. Available programs for international cooperation of universities on the implementation of joint projects are provided.


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