Lexical and semantic means of emotional coloring of German military texts





emotional colouring, communicative function, modality, emphasis, generalisation


This is an attempt to identify and classify the main principles and approaches to the methods of emotional evaluation and colouring. Three levels of implementation of the author’s evaluation of texts are identified and analysed: lexical, grammatical, and syntactic. All three are analysed. The lexical level is realised through semantically significant words – adjectives, nouns, verbal lexemes. The second level is grammatical. It consists in the interaction of different parts of speech, the transition of one part of speech to another, the use of words in figurative meanings, the use of particles, interjections and their equivalents, phraseological units and phraseological turns in written texts. The third level – syntactic – is manifested in the use of stable syntactic constructions, impersonal sentences, different numbers of simple and complex sentences, respectively different numbers of complex and compound sentences, infinitive phrases, common attributes, as well as through the use of punctuation and punctuation marks in different texts in different ways. It is concluded that all of these elements are tools for implementing a propaganda campaign in a broad sense, or they convey the private point of view of the author himself, because the author is first and foremost a human being and cannot but highlight his own opinion on the topic of the written material in his work or publication. Newspaper texts are the best field for the implementation of all these means and ways of conveying the author’s emotional point of view, which is proved by examples. The study and classification make it possible to apply these tools for planning and conducting full-scale counter-propaganda activities and skilfully use these elements in creating your own propaganda campaign.


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