Foreign language learning in the context of digitalization in education
digital didactics, digital pedagogical technologies, digitalization, educational environment, foreign language learning, individualization of learningAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the impact of the process of digitalization in education on the system of foreign language learning in the academic learning environment. The authors conduct a theoretical analysis of the concept of «digitalization» as well as of the components of digital didactics, including the interactivity of the educational process, the individualization of learning, the introduction of multimedia materials, electronic textbooks, and online platforms to optimize the efficiency of the educational process and active participation of all its participants. The article highlights a wide range of tools that make it possible to take advantage of the benefits of digital technologies in the learning environment. The article analyses the use of digital pedagogical technologies to improve the motivational component and the quality of learning, as well as digital technologies of educational value, including tools and resources for the development of critical thinking and communicative competence of students while learning a foreign language through the use of information and communication technologies, which allows acquiring skills to critically evaluate and use information from various Internet resources, to collaborate effectively in a digital environment. The results of the study confirm the achievements of the previously conducted research and examples of the digital technologies used in the educational space, in particular the advantages and disadvantages of their implementation. Attention is drawn to the challenges associated with the use of digital technologies in foreign language teaching, such as access to technical means and Internet resources, the quality of available content, and the need to deepen the digital literacy and competence of all the educational process participants. Research shows that the digitalization process in modern education creates many benefits for students, promotes their motivation and personalization of the learning space.
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