The problem of the texts’ selection for the professionally-oriented reading in teaching a foreign language and its role in the formation of students’ professionally-oriented competence
professionally oriented reading, types of reading, authentic text, pre-text exercises, post-text exercises, professional activity, non-linguistic specialtyAbstract
The analysis of the professionally-oriented reading necessity and the importance of taking into account the profession specifics in studying the foreign language by the specialists to be was determined in the given research. The problems and disadvantages of the non-linguistic specialties students’ language training were reviewed. The role of the professional texts reading in the overcoming of these disadvantages and in the formation of professionally-oriented students' competence was defined. The specificity of the profession is taken into account, which has become a priority in foreign language training for future specialists. The basic criteria for the professionally-oriented reading texts’ selection were given. The basic methods of working with the professional texts at foreign language classes were highlighted. Short descriptions of types of reading the professional texts and working with them were defined along with the recommendations on the exercises based on these texts. The analysis of the pre-text and post-text exercises role in work with original scientific texts by profession aimed at formation not only of the reading skills but also of the foreign language communication for the non-linguistic specialties students’. The importance of using the authentic texts and the approaching the training conditions to the real professional situations was proved. The necessity of the professionally-oriented reading skills in current conditions of the international labour-market was pointed out. The problem and criteria of the selection of text material for teaching professionally- oriented reading in a foreign language and its role in the formation of professionally oriented competence of students have been studied. The role of not only professionally-oriented reading, but also the performance of exercises and tasks compiled on its basis was defined. Different forms of presentation and criteria for selecting the content of reading professional literature were presented. It was proven that professionally oriented texts are one of the primary sources of forming the vocabulary of future specialists. Attention was focused on the fact that it is expedient to carry out dictionary dictations, which include the terminology of previous topics and bring it to automatism. It was analyzed that bringing educational conditions closer to real professional situations is becoming more and more special and important. It was presented that great importance is attached to annotation and referencing when working with professionally oriented texts. The fact that reading professional texts becomes the primary basis for further oral expression skills was highlighted.
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