History of the development of the German agricultural sublanguage
semantic history, agrotechnical terminology, mechanization, industrial revolution, automation, artificial intelligence.Abstract
The article studies the evolution of the agrotechnical terminology in the context of social and technological changes. The authors focus on the formation and development of the lexicon of the field of agrotechnology, taking into account the various factors that influenced this process. The article identifies four key historical stages of agrotechnical development: The Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the period of industrialization, and the present. Starting from the Middle Ages, the article emphasizes the role of innovations and technological improvements that came in the Renaissance. The impact of industrialization, which led to the development of agricultural machinery and methods of soil and plant cultivation, is emphasized. The role of prominent figures such as Johann Christoph Adelung, who made a significant contribution to the normalization of the literary language and the development of scientific and technical linguistics through the creation of the Grammatical and Critical Dictionary of the High German Dialect, is emphasized. The modern period is characterized by technological advances in agricultural technology, which has led to the emergence of new terms reflecting modern agricultural processes and methods. This includes the use of automation, computerization and artificial intelligence. It is very important to standardize and unify terminology to improve the exchange of information between different countries and national communities in the context of agricultural globalization. The development of agrotechnical vocabulary is key to promoting this industry and reaching new heights in the agricultural sector. Understanding this terminology is essential for modern agronomists and scientists to remain contributing to the further development of agriculture worldwide.
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