Contextually-synonymous nominations in the media-texts of politics and medicine
contextual synonyms, variation, nomination, meronyms, hypero-hyponymous relations.Abstract
Such factors as dynamism, polyfunctionality, and variability currently activate significant modifications within the functioning of newspaper texts. Changes in society led to the fact that the newspaper is dealing with a recipient who has a completely different in socio-political experience and mentality than two decades ago. This requires from mass media new forms of influence on the readership with the help of new techniques in the newspaper text. This update is directly related to the enrichment and change of the synonymous resources of the language. Within the framework of the study of modern problems of text linguistics, the existence of the phenomenon of nominative variant in the text and, as a consequence, contextual synonyms with the help of which the set of nominations is expressed is of particular interest. The given article is aimed at considering the problem of contextual synonymy within the vector of variation theory. The proposed article is devoted to the problem of lexical means of referent nomination by means of the category of contextual synonymy. The article singles out and analyzes the lexical nominations of the referent by means of contextual synonymy based on the material of newspaper articles of political and medical direction. It has been established that contextual synonymy serves to clarify the opinion during a comprehensive description of the denotation. On the material of medical and political articles, the means of creating nominative variations in the text are classified, namely: techniques of nominalization, pronominalization, numeralization, use of slang vocabulary, reduction of word forms and abbreviations, class designations of people, semantic-pragmatic presupposition. It has been established that contextual synonyms are combined on the basis of hypero-hyponymic and meronymic relations. Stylistic means of creating nominative variation include metaphorization, metaphtonymization, euphemisaton, and periphrastic nominations.
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