The сoncept of linguoculture in German, Hungarian and Ukrainian scientific discourses
information security, linguocultural studies, linguoculture, scientific discourse, applied direction.Abstract
In modern linguistics, studies of the relationship between language, culture, and consciousness are of great relevance. The paradigm shift in science demonstrates the emergence of different approaches to language research, the strengthening of interdisciplinary ties, and the identification of new trends. In modern linguistics, the concept of linguoculture as an object of linguoculturology remains lacunar. Scientific research in the study of this phenomenon produces new theoretical and applied directions, in particular, the understanding of linguoculture as the basis for protecting the national interests of the state in the information sphere. The article analyzes the comprehension of the concept of linguoculture in the scientific discourses of Germany, Hungary and Ukraine; compares and summarizes the totality of its components and markers which determine linguistic and cultural affiliation, the system of values, national identity and conceptual view of the world of the carriers of the studied linguocultures. In German scientific discourse, the concept of linguoculture is not used, but the idea of the unity of language, culture and communication is represented in all studies of cultural linguistics. Theoretical and applied directions for understanding the concept of linguoculture are actively developed and applied in the Hungarian scientific discourse. The concept of linguoculture is singled out as a separate discipline of "Hungarology". Linguoculture is considered as a tool of information security; the theory and practice of modern Hungarian language policy, language strategy are generalized, and the idea of the need to restore language development is introduced. In the Ukrainian scientific space, the concept of linguoculture is defined by a set of its components: concepts of a certain culture, the system of values, linguistic personality, stereotypes, etc. The constants of Russian linguoculture are introduced in Ukrainian information space under the guise of common Slavonic values, which is equal to cognitive expansion.
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