Pecularities of medical slang translation as an element of professional language




medical slang, professional language, translation, translational transformations, terms, lexical, grammatical.


Medical slang is a specialized type of language used by healthcare professionals to communicate more effectively with each other. The article aims to explore the different aspects of medical slang, including categories of medical terms, usage, and impact on communication within the medical profession. Through the study of medical slang, this research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the unique language used by healthcare professionals and peculiarities of the translation of medical slang as an element of professional language. To solve the tasks and achieve the goal of the research, a set of general scientific methods is used: theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis to identify the main directions of research into the translation of medical slang as an element of professional language; the method of statistical analysis; correlation analysis method; empirical methods including the study of scientific works and medical terminological dictionaries. The process of translation of a text from one language to another is investigated in the works of such linguists, as T. Andriyenko, О. Kalnychenko, I. Korunets, V. Loboda, O. Pryimachok, M. Gyuró, G. Austrin Miriam, J. J. Birmingham, L. Myrna etc. There is a large number of methods used by interpreters while the translation of English medical slang into Ukrainian. These methods generally defined as “translational transformations”. It was found that there are the following functions of medical terms in the language of literary texts: description of medical phenomena; creation of conditions of narrative realism; creating a colorful narrative. The analysis has shown that the process of translation of medical slang from English into Ukrainian is a challenge for interpreters, as the interpreter has to use a great number of translational transformations, such as lexical, grammatical and lexical-grammatical transformations. It was concluded that the most common transformation of translating medical slang is the transformation of replacement of slang by the commonly used word or collocation which was used in 16% of examples. The less common transformations are: the transformation of slang analogue, which was used in 14% of examples, the transformation of differentiation, which was used in 13% of examples.


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