Online resource “TED Talks” as a means of development english communicative competence of philology-students




communicative competence in English, University philology students, online resource «TED Talks», learning content, manual, academic course «General English».


The article highlights pedagogical and methodical approaches to the development of the communicative competence in English of philology-students by means of the online resource «TED Talks» in the context of teaching «General English». Modern authentic material of video-lectures has become the basis for compiling the manual «21st Century. Breakthrough in Science and Technologies: TED ideas worth spreading» which is intended for 2–4th–year Bachelor students in the field of knowledge 03 «Humanities», field of study 035 «Philology». The authors clarify the scientific interpretation of the concept «communicative competence in English», its content and structure; analyze the practical experience in solving the problem of communicative competence in foreign-language in the process of teaching foreign languages in higher educational establishments; reveal methodological approaches applied to determine the educational content of the manual, its structure, learning technologies and the system of didactic exercises. A selection of authentic humanitarian and professional video-lectures for each section of the manual correlates with the educational topics of the syllabi of the «General English» for the specified years of philological specialties. All parts of the manual (video-watch, reading, writing, project work and presentations) are logically interconnected, informatively complement each other, expand the students’ vocabulary and encourage them to improve their public speaking skills, analytical thinking and writing. In complex, the manual allows to effectively develop the communicative competence in English of philology-students in the process of learning and teaching English.


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