The use of problem situations in the formation of competence in speaking in practical English language classes




problem situations, discussion, topic, motivation, students, knowledge, skills.


The article is devoted to the issue of the implementation of problem situations in the process of formation of competence in speaking in practical classes of the English languahe. The article highlights the characteristic features, kinds and types of problem situations used for the formation of competence in speaking, and also describes the main requirements, rules and methods of creating and applying problem situations. The contribution of scientists to the development of problem-based learning technology is analyzed. The application of problem situations in the process of studying the topic, as well as technology and their processing by students, are described in detail. Attention is paid to the use of various methods of problem-based learning when conducting English language classes. Examples of problematic situations for the formation of foreign language competence in the speech of philology students are given. The effectiveness and expediency of using problem situations in the formation of speech of students of the 1st year has been proven. Problem situations are an effective tool used to generalize the acquired knowledge and skills during research based on real life facts. Problem situations are a sufficiently flexible and universal tool for achieving goals of different levels of complexity, regardless of the chosen topic. Problem situations are a favorable platform for improving practical skills in speaking. The use of problem situations in English lessons increases students' motivation to study the subject, and also contributes to improving the quality of acquired knowledge and skills. The advantages of using the method of problem situations are the possibility of a comprehensive consideration of the problem with the involvement of material from various topics.


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