Tandem technologies as innovative foreign language learning technologies





innovative technologies, tandem technologies, teaching foreign languages, didactic principles, advantages of tandem technology, tandem communication.


The article explores the features of tandem technology as an innovative method for teaching foreign languages. One of the primary objectives of foreign language education is to develop communicative competence in the younger generation, achieved through the development of all aspects of language skills, such as reading, speaking, writing, and listening. One of the important innovative technologies that greatly contributes to its development and stimulates students' self-education is tandem technology. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to highlight the current issues related to the implementation of this modern educational technology, namely tandem technology, in the process of learning foreign languages. It is emphasized that the focus on tandem technology today is associated with the rapid development of information and communication technologies, which enable virtual communication in a foreign language at any time and place, making the learning of foreign languages easy, natural, and engaging. The article outlines the specific characteristics of tandem technology in language teaching and identifies three basic principles of its use: no mixing of languages, mutual learning, and learner autonomy. Additionally, didactic principles of tandem technology related to distance education are highlighted, including the principle of comprehensive use of multimedia tools, interactivity, non-linearity, information capacity, and humanization of learning through ICT application. The article points out that the process of tandem communication involves five stages, starting from the search for potential participants for organizing tandem learning to actual communication when the opportunity arises. Taking into account the methodology and specifics of foreign language teaching, the key advantages and disadvantages of applying tandem technology in foreign language education are noted. It is acknowledged that the implementation of tandem technology in the process of learning foreign languages significantly diversifies the learning process and improves its effectiveness.


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