Stages of the future IT-engineers’ foreign readiness development research




person oriented teaching, foreign language readiness, multi-level approach.


The article deals with the stages of the future IT-engineers’ formation of foreign language readiness while providing person oriented teaching by application of multi-level approach. The research consisted of the initial stage: statement of its purpose and tasks, preparation of the basic means, modification of the subject programme, conducting of the ascertaining experiment; formation stage: implementation of the multi-level approach, conducting of the fomation experiment and analytical stage: analysis of the results, processing of the psychological data, correction of the teachning methods, summerizing. The formation of the future IT-engineers’ readiness to use a foreign language in their professional activity implied providing ascertaining and formation experiments. Ascertaining experiment enabled analysis of the available situation on the students’ readniess at the beginning of their studying. Formation experiment displayed the data after implementation of the person oriented teaching a foreign language. 427 students majoring in Information technologies participated in the experiment, they represented four higher education establishments. Observation, discussion, anonymous survey, tests were among the used methods. To process the results of the final test we made the indicators criteria for answering the psychological and pedagogical part which correlated with the three level division. The obtained results of the psychologial, pedagogical and foreign language indicators defined the increase in personal and academic aspects of the students’ activity, which proves efficiency of the proposed technology. The students’ constructive activity as well as the increase in their self-esteem contributed their positive attitude to the use of this technology.


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