The essence of learning strategies and approaches to their classification
learning strategies, classification, foreign languages, teaching methods, learning process, modifications.Abstract
The essence of learning strategies and various approaches to their classification in the context of foreign languages teaching have been analyzed in the article. It has been stressed that learning strategies are very important for the aim of increasing the effectiveness of learning and acquisition of knowledge. It has been noted that learning strategies help students to optimize learning process, improve the understanding of educational material and provide the mastery of knowledge. The essence of the notion “learning strategies” has been revealed, which the authors understand as a specific plan for the implementation of activities or a sequence of operations, which combine various learning techniques, the purpose of which is to contribute to the formation of one’s own type of learning and the ability to construct self-responsibility. When considering different approaches to the classification of learning strategies, the authors point out the ambiguity of the interpretation of this notion, but also emphasize that most of them include similar categories of strategies. In particular, the classification according to R. Oxford has been thoroughly studied and the accent has been made on the fact that it remains one of the most often used and detailed systems of classification of learning strategies and, at the same time, it is the base for the creation of other modified classifications. It has been found that when learning or communicating, strategies are usually not used separately, but combined together. It has been established that scholars most often single out four groups of learning strategies (cognitive, metacognitive, affective and communicative) in their classifications and, accordingly, each of them contains certain subgroups. The article emphasizes the importance of constant analysis and updating of classifications to meet modern education requirements. It has been highlighted that understanding of the essence and classification of learning strategies will improve learning process and lead to the developing of innovative methods and approaches to foster foreign language competence during language instruction, as well as increase students’ learning outcomes in foreign languages.
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