Methodology of professionally oriented competence formation in dialogic speech
methodology, professionally oriented, competences, dialogic speech, future professionals, communication, professional situation.Abstract
In modern society, mastering a professional foreign language is becoming more and more important. Socio-economic changes in Ukraine lead to the expansion of the space of communication, which contributes to the strengthening of international cooperation. The training of highly qualified specialists in various fields of activity should take into account general European trends, in particular, under the condition of Ukraine's integration into Europe. Knowledge of a professionally oriented foreign language is necessary for all specialists from all spheres of life, because social and labor relations and the state of the labor market are changing under the conditions of globalization. Expansion and deepening of cooperation, development of relations with foreign partners require communication in a foreign language at the international level. Students must be able to distinguish professional vocabulary, speak at official negotiations, business meetings, behave accordingly in typical professional situations, respond to complex messages, perceive the point of view of the interlocutor, adapt to changes that occur during the dialogue, perform a number of functions, depending on type of dialogue, flexibly using foreign language professional clichés. In addition, the current state of the labor market poses complex challenges for more effective international communication and exchange of experience, increased mobility, easier access to information and deeper mutual understanding during professional dialogic speech. The modern profession involves not only the implementation of classical methods, but also construction and reconstruction in accordance with the conditions of modern society. Cross-industry partnership and cooperation, conducting negotiations and accompanying business documentation requires the possession of foreign professional competence, without which conducting business communication is impossible. Therefore, in the process of training future specialists, special attention should be paid to foreign replicas, overcoming difficulties in constructing dialogues, forming laconic foreign professional expressions, consistency in expressing opinions.
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