Interaction for the formation of another language competence of personality
personality, language education, foreign language competence, foreign philology, interactive teaching methods.Abstract
In the article, the author revealed the role, significance and prospects of using interactives for the formation of foreign language competence of an individual. The author stated that the analysis of an array of sources in open access testified to the lack of a systematic study of the use of interactives for the formation of foreign language competence. The topicality of the topic is determined by the realities of the martial law in Ukraine, which became the reason for the spread of distance education, mixed education. The author noted that the foreign language competence of an individual plays an important role in multicultural education, the realization of the goals of European integration of national education, and the formation of the linguistic culture of an individual. The purpose of the article: to reveal the methodological potential of using interactives for the formation of a person's foreign language competence. The following results are summarized. The author noted that for the formation of foreign language competence, the use of interactives contributes to the implementation of the principle of pedagogical partnership of all participants in the educational process. This principle is relatively new for Ukrainian education, traditional for American and European educational systems. Interactive as an element of foreign language learning methodology has a powerful motivational potential. The article reveals key methodical tips on the use of interactives when learning a foreign language in institutions of higher pedagogical education: hot summary, reflexive circle, interview, round table, project, expert groups, dozens of questions, excursion chainstory, others. The author defines the joint thesis that unites the methodological aspects of these interactives as follows: focus on a specific problem, focus on cooperation and partnership, rejection of formal control and evaluation; activation of group communicative activity; psychologically comfortable learning conditions. The author sees the development of methodological checklists for novice teachers regarding the use of interactive tools during the formation of foreign language competence of the individual (depending on different levels of education and the level of language training of the students) as perspectives for further development of the topic.
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