Improving the methodology of teaching pharmaceutical terminology in the conditions of full-time education during martial law




Latin language, Ukrainian language, pharmaceutical terminology, future doctors, term, etymology


Today’s conditions force speech teachers to look for methods of more productive use of the allotted time, strengthening the internal motivation of students, activating their mental activity, updating basic knowledge and the ability to use it in practice, as well as organizing interesting interactive classes in the shelter during an air raid. In our research, we share the opinion of experts who emphasize the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary approach in learning the Latin language. It’s no secret that students often reluctantly start studying pharmaceutical terminology in the «Latin» course. The teacher’s task is to make these classes as informative and useful as possible from the point of view of forming highly qualified medical workers. For example, during the study of the topic «Frequency segments in the names of medicinal products», we focus students’ attention on the possibility of wide practical application of acquired knowledge in everyday life, which is manifested in understanding the meanings of already familiar names of medicinal products, as well as those that are encountered for the first time. Note also that the proposed word-forming elements are used not only in medical terms, but also in common vocabulary. This topic also makes it possible to improve the skills of writing the names of drugs in Ukrainian. In order to activate cognitive activity and better memorization of the names of phytonyms, it would be advisable to invite students to independently search for information on the etymology of some plants, and then share their findings, for example, during a botanical quiz in the classroom or in the shelter. When studying pharmaceutical terminology, students of higher medical education have a great opportunity not only to significantly expand their horizons, but also to improve their knowledge of their native language. The implementation of interactive methods helps to increase the effectiveness of training and creates an atmosphere of healthy competitiveness in the group, stimulates thinking and cognitive processes.


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