Structural and semantic characteristics of word-forming nests in sound analysis based on German Language material




derivation, differential feature, lexical unit, linguistic sign, sound symbolic meaning, word formation


The article analyzes structural and semantic features of word-forming nests with verb, noun and exclamation vertexes. An attention is focused on the study of the formation and functioning of word-forming nests as the largest word-making potential in modern German. The relevance of this study is justified by the need to systematize and study comprehensively the semantic and word structure of the language vocabulary and demonstrates the close relationship of the symbolic-sound system with the general lexical German language fund. The purpose of this work is to study the mechanism of word-forming nests functioning in modern German, which not only reproduce additional information and support the semantic core of the lexical units meaning, but also are characterized by their wide range of semantics and application in different types of speech. It is confirmed that the main sphere of symbolic-sound units functioning is spoken language, confirming the quantitative composition of stylistically marked units. It is demonstrated that exclamations are а special type of vocabulary with emotional-semantic coloring, which actively expresses the emotional state of a person and is formed from the closed classes parts of speech. Тhe number of nouns with sound-symbolic meaning in German vocabulary increases through the substantiation of verbs. At the present stage of the German language development we observe a tendency to form an unlimited number of substantiated conversions with clear semantic meaning. According to the results of our analysis, the majority of word-forming nests among the studied German lexical units is characterized by a linear structure, which has fundamental importance above marked types of nests. The article highlights the formal characteristics of the linguistic units properties and their structural meaning. Their place in the language system is determined through the relationship of signs to each other and the establishment of new connections between them.


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