The myth of the American dream in the formation of US national literature




US literature, national myth, national mythology, deconstruction of the myth, myth of the American dream, mythopoetic basis of creativity


Key myths that form the basis of national culture and outline the further development of the state are firmly rooted in the minds of representatives of American society. Among the most defining ones, we single out the myth of the American dream. It plays an important role in the formation of the American character, is based on the value orientations of the individual and reflects the peculiarities of the American nation. Gradual disbelief in ideals, inconsistency of one's own life principles with official values lead to partial deconstruction of national myths. However, despite the critical attitude of contemporaries, these myths continue to function as important factors in the identification of the American community. The American dream in modern literature is identified with the national idea of Americans. Poets and writers describe it as a desire for a better, prosperous life. It is not about the desire for material wealth, but for a social order in which every American will succeed. Such key national concepts as independence, equality, and freedom are mythologized and become important national markers. The search for an ideal society turns into a race for success and leads to the formation of the image of "a self-made man" (a person who works hard and achieves results on his own). The desire of modern men of literature to rely on national myths in their works is explained by the fact that they always foresee the ordering of events from disorder to order. According to national myths, human life is depicted as a predictable process that, through ups and downs, leads to the realization of a cherished dream. However, the literary works of certain modern American writers (such as P. B. Auster) is distinguished by a critical attitude towards national mythological creativity. The author is inclined to the conclusion about the inactivity of myths, the loss of their significance in national identification. He calls on modern Americans to search for new national guidelines and values that would unite and nourish their community.


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