Virtual museums utilization for intercultural communicative competences’ development of future translators




virtual museums, language education, cultural memory, memory study, ICC, teaching and learning Japanese, philology students, methodological aspects


The article is devoted to the aspect of using a virtual museum for studying Japanese language and culture by future translators. This paper aims to explore the benefits and applications of virtual museums (VMs) for the development of intercultural communicative competences (ICCs) of graduate students while they are studying Japanese language and literature. To achieve the goal of our research, as well as to clarify the specifics of the use of virtual museums for the development of intercultural communicative competence of future translators of the Japanese language, the following methods were used: a comparative analysis of methodological, pedagogical and special literature on the usage of virtual museums in teaching of Japanese language by teachers to students of a philological profile; study of pedagogical experience regarding the usage of virtual museums during the teaching of the Japanese language by teachers of higher educational institutions (HEIs) to students of a philological profile during the implementation of educational projects; analysis of the pedagogical experience of using virtual museums at Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University; analysis of research results by surveying students who participated in educational projects using virtual museums to study Japanese language and culture. The survey results revealed that VMs have a positive impact on students' learning experience, in particular, on understanding the Japanese culture, literary creativity and communication. The majority of respondents consider VMs as motivational tools and an integral part of university life. However, some students were unsure about the specific benefits, pointing to areas where VMs’ implementations could be improved for more consistent and efficient use. Encouraging greater discussion and structured student interaction with VMs can further enhance their educational value.


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