Establishing translation competence during the philologist training process




competence, translation competence, translation, training of future translators, professional training of translators, foreign language


A translator serves as a link between the source text and the finished translation. The translator's skill is determined by his capacity to recognise and represent the intricacies of a given society's reality in the translation language. The essay focusses on certain components of future translators' translation competency development. Scientists' perspectives on the interpretation of the notions of "translation" and "translation competence" are underlined, and the fundamental qualities of future translators' translation competence are substantiated. Translation competence has been defined as an integrated characteristic that includes the ability to translate authentic texts at the appropriate level and comprehend their content, as well as implement the information received in accordance with the target audience and use it in foreign language education and intercultural communication. The obstacles students face when translating foreign language literature are considered. Translation competence has been characterised to include linguistic, professional, technological, research, intercultural, and service competence, as well as unique abilities such as localisation. The article delves deeply into the four components of translation competence: linguistic, discursive, referential, and socio-cultural. It is emphasised that the translator must have not just language expertise, but also subject matter understanding, business communication skills, and creative ability. The authors emphasise that developing translation skill is a complex process that necessitates a methodical approach and takes into account a variety of aspects, including motivation, professional training, mastery of new technologies, and cultural background understanding. This ensures a high level of professional training for future translators, enabling them to function effectively in the context of globalisation and Ukraine's integration into the global realm.


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