To the question of the effectiveness of mnemonic techniques in the study of French




mnemonics, mnemonic techniques, mnemonic formula, associative connections, speech competence, the educational process


The article considers the peculiarities of using the principles of mnemotechnics for easy to remember information in a large format, to achieve communicative competence and effective communication of students. Some of the most practical and logical principles of mnemonics for use in the study of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary of the French language have been analysed. It is proved that mnemonics includes a variety of forms that can be used for tasks of any complexity. Most often, mnemonic material encourages students to deepen the study of language, activates thinking, motivates them to scientific research, to save time when learning new vocabulary, grammatical rules, poetic texts. The effectiveness of training directly depends on the psycho-emotional state of students, which in turn affects the speed of the learned material. The game is one of the principles of mnemonics, which provides a positive emotional atmosphere in the audience and contributes to the learning of the material by students in a relaxed environment. The most common is the principle of association, which is based on the combination of a foreign word with an image, sound, gesture, word phonetically similar to a native language word. Each person, learning a foreign language, chooses his vision and way of forming associations that are unique to him. The method of visualization is effective when studying poetic texts. The simplest mnemonic method is to find a word whose French pronunciation is similar to the pronunciation in the native language and build a simple logical connection between them. When studying grammatical rules, the effectiveness of using acronyms has been proven. The principle of audio mnemonics is most effective at the initial stage of language learning and students’ formation of correct pronunciation. The method of encoding and decoding suitcase – words is interesting when learning new vocabulary, which significantly contributes to the memorization of lexical units of a foreign language, but it can be used at a higher level of language. Knowledge of English greatly facilitates the study of a second foreign language – French, because the influence of the Latin language directly, or through French, was quite strong during a long period of history.


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